Wednesday 12 February 2014

Gaming good for older brains

Gaming good for older brains
International study brings thrombosis treatment in card -   
A new generation of coagulation inhibitors came on the market last year. Now want to see how the funds are doing in everyday practice. Specialists

A new drug, before it reaches the market, extensively tested. However, in selected patients
Certain groups are excluded, such as age limits are set. Patients with multiple conditions may also be taken into account. Outside of the study
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This allows a broader group of patients will be prescribed than those involving the safety and efficacy has been established. Funds after registration This need not be a problem, but it can also lead to other more serious side effects occur, or the public.

Researchers therefore want to use and the impact of the new generation anticoagulants like to bring in card. "We do not look at the effect of a specific group, but in unselected patients in the real world," said study leader Professor Ajay Kaka Lord of thrombosis Research Institute in London. He presented the plan Tuesday at a conference in Amsterdam, based on the European Society of Cardiology.

For the study, 10,000 patients with venous thromboembolism-25 will be followed, country three to four years, says Kaka.

 Consideration will be given the anticoagulant patients are prescribed after thrombosis in the leg or after a pulmonary embolism - the classic thrombosis inhibitors or the new generation anticoagulant, how long they have to swallow, with the health of the participants camps and whether they have complications.

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